Spring Festival
Spring Festival

Acrylic on Canvas 2020
48” X 36”

Flowers 3
Flowers 3

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
48” x 40”

 의말 (의/ui/righteous + 말/mal/horse)
의말 (의/ui/righteous + 말/mal/horse)

Acrylic on Canvas 2020
40” x 40”

The title in Korean is 의말.

A rough translation is righteous (의/ui) + horse (말/mal), but the Korean word is more close to virtue from its Latin root, strength. That a part of a horse's strength is its control of all that strength (with seeming little effort - a discipline that is natural) such that it isn't brutish but beautiful, such that strength is not even apparent until you stand before it, such that a strength is evident not only in running but even in rest.


Acrylic on Canvas 2019
60” x 48”

Spring Garden
Spring Garden

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
36” x 60”

Koi 1
Koi 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2019
48” x 36”

Koi 2
Koi 2

Acrylic on Canvas 2019
48” x 36”

Water Lily
Water Lily

Mixed Media on Canvas 2017
40” x 40”

Flowers 1
Flowers 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2016
72" x 47" 


Acrylic on Canvas 2016
72" x 47" 


Acrylic on Canvas 2016
(was exhibited at IMURJ)
72" x 47" 

For me, the color of summer is blue. Yes, summers are hot, but we seek refreshment in water in a cup, in a pool, in the ocean and in the sky.


Acrylic on canvas 2016


Acrylic on canvas 2017

Flowers 4
Flowers 4

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
60” x 40”

Peacock 1
Peacock 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
30”x 30”

Peacock 2
Peacock 2

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
30”x 30”

Ocean 2
Ocean 2

Acrylic on canvas 2017
48" x 96"

Ocean 1
Ocean 1

Acrylic on canvas 2016.
61" x 99"

Spring Festival
Flowers 3
 의말 (의/ui/righteous + 말/mal/horse)
Spring Garden
Koi 1
Koi 2
Water Lily
Flowers 1
Flowers 4
Peacock 1
Peacock 2
Ocean 2
Ocean 1
Spring Festival

Acrylic on Canvas 2020
48” X 36”

Flowers 3

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
48” x 40”

의말 (의/ui/righteous + 말/mal/horse)

Acrylic on Canvas 2020
40” x 40”

The title in Korean is 의말.

A rough translation is righteous (의/ui) + horse (말/mal), but the Korean word is more close to virtue from its Latin root, strength. That a part of a horse's strength is its control of all that strength (with seeming little effort - a discipline that is natural) such that it isn't brutish but beautiful, such that strength is not even apparent until you stand before it, such that a strength is evident not only in running but even in rest.


Acrylic on Canvas 2019
60” x 48”

Spring Garden

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
36” x 60”

Koi 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2019
48” x 36”

Koi 2

Acrylic on Canvas 2019
48” x 36”

Water Lily

Mixed Media on Canvas 2017
40” x 40”

Flowers 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2016
72" x 47" 


Acrylic on Canvas 2016
72" x 47" 


Acrylic on Canvas 2016
(was exhibited at IMURJ)
72" x 47" 

For me, the color of summer is blue. Yes, summers are hot, but we seek refreshment in water in a cup, in a pool, in the ocean and in the sky.


Acrylic on canvas 2016


Acrylic on canvas 2017

Flowers 4

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
60” x 40”

Peacock 1

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
30”x 30”

Peacock 2

Acrylic on Canvas 2017
30”x 30”

Ocean 2

Acrylic on canvas 2017
48" x 96"

Ocean 1

Acrylic on canvas 2016.
61" x 99"

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